domingo, 18 de octubre de 2009

Recommended places to see Santiago

Well, for me, Santiago is a great city, it has any places to visit and learn about of Chile and her cultures…

I am didn´t born in Santiago, but I with my parents always we came here in holydays… Then, very little ever since I've visited Santiago... I know a lot of this city, and I love it because it has many options for fun…

My first recommendation is to visit and know the Cerro San Cristobal. This place is very nice and big, and has a perfect view of all, or nearly the entire city of Santiago. You can also find several places to eat drink and buy souvenirs. Many times I've gone for a walk on this mountain and I think as a great place to spend a pleasant afternoon and recreational...

Another very good alternative to visit and enjoy Santiago is to visit the Barrio Lastarria and its surroundings. This place is full of literary cafes, art galleries; there is also a cinema, theater and lots of fun. Wherever I go, I meet many foreign tourists who take lots of pictures and chat with other tourists. I think this is a meeting place.

If you prefer art, you could visit the Centro Cultural Palacio La Moneda, there are always many varied exhibitions Artist ... There are several libraries and good places for coffee... The art exhibitions of the center are very good, for example some time ago I saw an exhibition of Frida Kahlo, and then saw one of Violeta Parra, saw a well of Nicanor Parra, etc... I highly recommend this cultural center...

I think also a very beautiful walk through the Forest Park in the afternoon. It is full of nature, games for children and benches. This walk is very good for resting on a Sunday afternoon...

My last suggestion for the tourist is to visit the Barrio Brasil. This is a great place to experience the city of Santiago at night. There are always bands doing concerts, art exhibitions and there are many places to eat and drink.

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