viernes, 30 de octubre de 2009

My Style of Music

Well, I prefer listen to music in spanish, because I like to sing, and sometimes lyrics in other languages are difficult to sing.

I don't like just one music style; I like listening to many different music styles... I think music has much to do with what I'm doing at the time I'm listening to it, so I have a music style for every moment.

Really, I have a lot of favorite artists, sometimes when I'm reading or studying I listen to soft music, in other moments I prefer to listen funny music when I want to dance or sing with my friends, or when I go partying.

For me, the best artitis is Joaquin Sabina. He is spanish, and his songs talk about love, hate and loneliness. He says that love is true when it is sad...But, in his songs there are always entertaining stories. I met Sabina, because my dad and mom listened his music, so listening Sabina is kind of a family tradition.

I have never bought his CDs, because they are too expensive, so I download his music from the internet. If I had enough money I'll certainly buy some of his discs.

I've seen him twice, two concerts he gave in Chile, and, for me, those concerts where perfect...He is a poet and sings with great passion...

Other spanish artists that I like are Ismael Serrano and Joan Manuel Serrat...They sing about love, but they are less gloomy that Sabina...Most songs of Ismael and Serrat are about everyday life, so I feel that these songs are for me...

The music is important to me, because, it is always with me...When I'm feeling not too good, I can listen to some music that gives me happiness, so I feel better, when I'm tired, I can hear a good song and I enjoy it!

2 comentarios:

  1. Dear Friend,
    I share your taste in music in Spanish, because I understand the lyrics of the songs.

    Joaquin Sabina is a great artist and I like his a lot too. His songs are touching and beautiful.

    See you!

  2. Amanda,
    Your post is great. I also think Sabina is an awesome singer and song writer.
    Here's your post -I just made a few correntions.

    Well, I prefer TO listen to music in Spanish, because I like to sing, and sometimes lyrics in other languages are difficult to sing.

    I don't like just one music style; I like listening to many different music styles... I think music has much to do with what I'm doing at the time I'm listening to it, so I have a music style for every moment.

    Really, I have a lot of favorite artists, sometimes when I'm reading or studying I listen to soft music, AT other moments I prefer to listen TO funny/LIVELY music when I want to dance or sing with my friends, or when I go partying.

    For me, the best artiSt is Joaquin Sabina. He is spanish and his songs talk about love, hate and loneliness. He says that love is true when it is sad... But, in his songs there are always entertaining stories. I met Sabina, because my dad and mom listened TO his music, so listening TO Sabina is a kind of family tradition.

    I have never bought his CDs, because they are too expensive, so I download his music from the internet. If I had enough money I WOULD certainly buy some of his discs.

    I've seen him twice AT two concerts he gave in Chile, and, for me, those concerts where perfect...He is a poet and sings with great passion...

    Other spanish artists that I like are Ismael Serrano and Joan Manuel Serrat...They sing about love, but they are less gloomy thAN Sabina...Most songs of Ismael and Serrat are about everyday life, so I feel that these songs are for me...

    The music is important to me, because, it is always with me...When I'm feeling not too WELL I can listen to some music that gives me happiness, so I feel better, when I'm tired, I can hear a good song and I enjoy it!
