viernes, 30 de octubre de 2009

The Education in the Arab World

I chose a story about education in the Arab world. Important global institutions talk about the problems of underdevelopment in the Arab countries happen because many people don’t go to school ... In Arab countries there are "Educational Poverty" and, there are many problems associated with the lack of education. In schools the quality of education in poor

Also, in these countries there are many difficult because there are highest populations and schools aren’t enough for many people.

In these countries children don’t go to school. Then the boys and girls don’t know write and read or don't know mathematics and when they are adult can’t have a good job…

The education in Arab world is very old and don´t believe in new paradigms about teach and learn. Also there are many new skills to learn and the schools must renew.

International researches about education say that to overcome poverty, countries must invest in education, change and improve the general conditions of people…

In Arab culture, unfortunately going to school fewer women than men. This further delayed the progress of these countries. War and political and economic problems have been the reasons why the money on education is not enough…

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