lunes, 31 de agosto de 2009

TranSantiago ...

My opinion of Transantiago is regular, because I have had many bad experiences. For example, one case, I had to wait many times in the whereabouts, a long time to arrive by bus; second place, many time, I lost my card to pay the bus and I could not climb because he had no money… Other times it happens that the bus is crowded and I can’t climb, then I must continue to wait until after a bus empty, and lost much time… In general, I think the Transantiago wastes lots of time to people…

But public transport system also has some good things. People can take many buses paying only a passage, then save your money. There are many connections between buses; it is easier to get from one end to other end of Santiago…

Fortunately I live near the university where I study, and then I need not always take the bus, plus I use the bike to get around a lot between my house and the university … Personally I don ‘t have big problems with the Transantiago buses, but I know that many people do have many problems …

So I think that the transport system should be improved, and offer people a better service…

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