lunes, 31 de agosto de 2009

TranSantiago ...

My opinion of Transantiago is regular, because I have had many bad experiences. For example, one case, I had to wait many times in the whereabouts, a long time to arrive by bus; second place, many time, I lost my card to pay the bus and I could not climb because he had no money… Other times it happens that the bus is crowded and I can’t climb, then I must continue to wait until after a bus empty, and lost much time… In general, I think the Transantiago wastes lots of time to people…

But public transport system also has some good things. People can take many buses paying only a passage, then save your money. There are many connections between buses; it is easier to get from one end to other end of Santiago…

Fortunately I live near the university where I study, and then I need not always take the bus, plus I use the bike to get around a lot between my house and the university … Personally I don ‘t have big problems with the Transantiago buses, but I know that many people do have many problems …

So I think that the transport system should be improved, and offer people a better service…

lunes, 24 de agosto de 2009


When I think about a country that I want visit, I feel very happy because my dream is to travel around the world and get to know many different cultures…

Some time ago, I and my best friend received an invitation to go to Spain and work in a children´s school in Berriozar Pamplona…

We are very excited about the trip because we have always wanted to visit Europe and especially Spain; because we believe that it is a country where there are many people from different cultures …

Spain in very cosmopolitan and this is very important for us, because we want learn and teach that the world is a lot that only a culture occidental...

Well, Spain is a country without frontiers and everybody there speaks Spanish, then for us it is easier to talk with the people…

Sometimes I watch different thing about Spain on T.V, such as food, typical places and its culture...

With my friend we thought get to know another place when we are in Spain, and this place is Morocco because it is a beautiful place to stroll and very economical for us, also this place is Arabic and we don't know nothing of this culture.

Well, we hope that everything goes well and learn much from this experience…

My Past Semester

Well, my first semester was very interesting… I went through some adventures and magic situations in my life… On the whole, my semester was intense… And for this reason I want to tell you about some things made all the good possible...

In the first place, I learned many things about the profession that I am studying now… I read many books that are important for my career and my formation as an excellent teacher, and, I am happy about all this.. I know that I grew a lot…

As a second point, I could go to many places that I had never been to before, I talk with people that I didn´t Know or I had never meet before ……. This allowed me to think about the importance of traveling for around the world and learn about different cultures…

Finally, about what I learned in college and the courses I did, I can say that all these were very good and entertaining… Subjects reviewed were very data regarding the profession of teacher and very useful for teacher performance… I must explain that there was a very difficult subject and that cost me finish, because I had to do many homework all the time, but, I could learn a lot…

To finish my semester in general was very good ...