sábado, 21 de noviembre de 2009

My Semester

This last year was very interesting... I had great times with my university friends... I had many challenges in lots of aspects of my life...The greatest of them is a new pedagogic philosophy that I'm learning, based on the “Human’s Indeterminacy”... I've also found many people that think like me about education, I've been able to learn more thanks to that....

Beside, I'll go to Spain in a few weeks, and I'll work in a school that teach using this pedagogic philosophy...This year was very intense and the last semester was the best.

To me, learn about a new education paradigm is essential, this way; I have new points of views about children and their processes, capabilities and abilities. To be a good teacher, I think, you must learn a lot from different authors and change the way understanding children and their real needs. In order to learn a lot, I've been assisting to many seminars about “Reggio Emilia” (this is the name of the pedagogic philosophy), in this seminars I've get to know people with my same interest so I've learned a lot from the too. The conversations get enriched when people discuss about a topic. So I've learned a lot this last semester...

By far the best that happened to me this year is this travel to Spain to work in a school with this philosophy. I'll now see this philosophy in real work, I'll learn how to work with the children and their families, I'll learn much more than what can be learned just reading books. I think what I'm going to do in Spain will be a very big step for me into becoming a good teacher...

Looking back the semester, and despite having emotional problems, I've learned a lot, and I feel very happy. I even happier because I think I've found the way I want to follow to teach, to bring quality education to Chile, I'll bring many new ideas that I'll share it other educators who are interested...

viernes, 13 de noviembre de 2009